9am, 060609 is the most value and important date for me which is, i am became a wife to Mr. Zulhazmi bin Adnan.
My life rotation is nearly complete. I have Natalia and him as a husband. Thank to God...
Really hope that our marriage will end with beautiful and memorable story. Even though its really hard for me and him to get through to this date, finally this event was successfully done and running smoothly.
For me its self, its nothing beautiful in this world besides sleep tightly into his arms all night long...heh heh heh...
My life rotation is nearly complete. I have Natalia and him as a husband. Thank to God...
Really hope that our marriage will end with beautiful and memorable story. Even though its really hard for me and him to get through to this date, finally this event was successfully done and running smoothly.
For me its self, its nothing beautiful in this world besides sleep tightly into his arms all night long...heh heh heh...
Apa pasal gambor kecik sangat??
gambo beso tak baru masuk dalam laptop...pipi,lu bile nak pulok???
hari tu nampok mesra bukan main lagi??
gambo beso tak baru masuk dalam laptop...pipi,lu bile nak pulok???
hari tu nampok mesra bukan main lagi??
Encik Pipi...kalu nak gambo beso mai umah la tengok album terus....
hoh lah gambo kecik ngat tak nampok kemacoran n kejelitaan pengantin baru ler
tahan la tu cik joyah...,dari tak der langsung...mananya pic pertunangan awak dengan en. panjang?
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